We are happy to announce that Chapel Hill Mall Management has decided to hold a selfie contest through February 1st – 15th!Here’s the steps you need to take in order to win!
STEP 1- Take a selfie in front of our Carousel!STEP 2- Venture down to our Fountain for a pose!STEP 3- Have fun at Ja’Lae’s Jungle Rides and take a selfie with an animal!STEP 4- Our JcPenney needs to be in a picture too!STEP 5- Sam from Cell-R-Us wants to join in the fun, selfie with him!STEP 6- POST YOUR PICTURES TO OUR FACEBOOK #CHMSELFIE AND LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE!
The judged categories will be:Most originalFunniestMost creativeBest groupie!
The winners of each category will receive one of the following gift cards:$25- JcPenny Gift Card$25.00 American Eagle Gift Card$25.00 Hot Topic Gift Card$25.00 rue21 Gift Card
All selfies must be taken at Chapel Hill Mall to qualify and all 6 steps must be completed by the 15th!
We look forward to all your pictures!!