Demographic Information
Three fourths of the people who shop at Chapel Hill Mall live in Summit County and almost one-fifth live in Portage County. The median age of shoppers is 34 years, and more than three-quarters are between the ages of 18 and 54. More than 80% of the mall's shoppers are from households with a median income of more than $25,000. Almost one-half of the households have two incomes.
The mall's MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) includes a population of 676,177 in Summit and Portage Counties, comprising 253,250 households, or an average of almost 3 persons per household. Of this population, more than 90% shop at a mall within an average 30-day period, and almost half shop at Chapel Hill Mall, more than at any other mall in the two-county area.
More than half of Chapel Hill Mall shoppers have attended college or have a college degree. Two of Ohio's largest state universities are located within 15 minutes of Chapel Hill Mall. They are The University of Akron and Kent State University, each with an enrollment of approximately 25,000 students.
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