Chapel Hill Mall offers many services to make your day at the friendliest mall of all,just a little friendlier! Information Booth - 633-1131 At our information booth we offer valuable help and information. Gift Certificates You may purchase Chapel Hill Mall gift certificates for the perfect gift. Ask about our corporate gift certificate program. Stroller Rental A single stroller rental is just $1 for three hours. You'll need your photo I.D. Wheelchairs Phone Service for the Hearing-Impaired TTY/TDD phones are located near the Information Booth. Lockers Lottery Tickets Purchase lottery tickets or bring in winning tickets for payment. Key Bank ATM Located between the Carousel Food Court and Center Court, our Key Bank ATM gives you convenient access for your banking needs. Post Office - 630-3218 Our Post Office is located at the front entrance to the Carousel Food Court. Hours are Monday through Friday 9:15-5:15 and Saturday 10:00-4:00. Mall Walkers From 8am to 10am Monday - Saturday and from 9am to 12pm on Sunday, the mall is available for people interested in a climate-controlled atmosphere for walking. You can walk alone, with a friend or join the 3H Walkers' Club. Call or visit our information booth for more details.
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